Thursday, December 25, 2003

Merry Christmas

It's Christmas morning :)
Our family likes to get creative with out labels on the presents; here's a sampling of this year's tags.

To: The one who needs a college fund (you get what is inside the box)
From: The one who is spending hers (I keep the box)
To Katrina, From Wendy

To: The Headbanger
From: The other metal lovers
To Wendy, From Katrina and me

To: Munchkin head
From: The one who wants her fashion princess back
To Katrina, From me

To: The old man with grey hair and high blood pressure
From: One who helped give him the grey hair and high blood pressure
To Daddy, From me

To: The Rebel with Permission
From: I'm watching you
To Katrina, From me

To: The Lovebirds
From: Your Eldest (open after Santa's presents)
To Mommy and Daddy, From me, Cabaret on Dvd - it was the movie they saw on their first date (Santa brought a Dvd player)

To: One of the lightest Zambians
From: Guess who
To: me, From Mommy

To: Mommy Crazy
From: The Youngest (gonna be taller than you some day)
To Mommy, from Katrina

To: The one I wanted to play with
From: I'm sorry I ate your homework (P.S. Now you can make Nathan play)
To Wendy, From me

To: The newly skinny Daddy
From: The youngest skinny
To Daddy, From Katrina

To: The Shoe Queen
From: Her shoeless mother
To: me, From Mommy

To: Color your life or keep it black and white
From: Old and senile Dr. Seuss
To: Wendy, From Mommy

To: If you give a Mommy a great daughter, she'll want two more...
From: The not-so-little stinker
To Mommy, From me

To: Tim
From: Your Kentucky relatives
To Daddy, From Auntie Jamie and Uncle Jim

To: Tim
From: To Righties
To Daddy, from Auntie Jamie and Uncle Jim

To: The little Digger
From: "At my old school we were never allowed to get caught in floods. Hey look! It's Jesus!"
To Wendy, From me (there was a partridge in a pear tree on the card, Jesus in the 12 days of Christmas)

To: One Freak (smiley face)
From: Another freak (smiley face with fangs)
To Wendy, From Katrina

To Mommy, From Daddy, he said there wasn't anything he could on the tag that would be appropriate to read in front of the children

To: Too bad you can't find this to hug there
From: The funny and annoying one
To me, From Katrina

To: The one with the numbers
From: The one without
To Mommy, from Katrina

To: The spa lovers
From: the reluctant liquor donor
To Mommy and Daddy, From me

To: Katrina Poo Who
From: Rail Roo Who
To Katrina, From me

To: Honey
From: Ham
To Mommy, From Daddy

To: The nicest lawyer we know - thanks for the lawyering
From: Jamie and Jim
To Daddy, From Auntie Jamie and Uncle Jim

These make more sense when you see the presents they go with, but I didn't want to cheat anyone out of sharing what they got with their friends, so I will add the gifts in later. Merry Christmas all!

(Original Post)



goldenrail said...

And I never did add what the presents were. Of course now, several years later, I have no idea! Sorry.

goldenrail said...

Oh, I guess I did post the presents, here: