Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Buy Me Some Peanuts and Cracker Jacks

Sometimes Mr. Trizzle is so much like my daddy, it scares me. It’s not stuff I knew about, like not apparent when we started hanging out together. (My daddy does not listen to hip hop or wear grills.) In fact, when Mr. Trizzle and I met, probably the only thing I thought he had in common with my daddy was going to law school. But lately, daddy-like traits have been coming out of the woodwork!

Yesterday, Mr. Trizzle and I went to the A’s game (A’s vs. Giants in Oakland). We were late (not like my daddy) and I was a bit annoyed cuz I like baseball and I wanted the free McGuire jerseys. Oh well. We met up with Mr. Trizzle’s friends, including The Legend, and were enjoying the game. Then, in the sixth inning, Mr. Trizzle turns to me and says he wants to go soon cuz he wants to beat the traffic. We took BART! So like my daddy.

Daddy once made us leave a tied Bucks game in overtime so he could get out of the parking garage easier. Chances are, if you go to a sporting event with Daddy, you will be leaving before it’s officially over. Apparently, the same goes for Mr. Trizzle.

Mr. Trizzle was feeling generous last night though and we stayed until the 7th inning stretch so I could sing “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” (no polka songs). Then we left.

No peanuts or cracker jacks, but I did have a snowcone and cotton candy. By the time I got home, I felt like my teeth were going to fall out!

By the way. The A’s have these three guys dressed as dots that race during one of the breaks. Colored dots are so not as cool as running sausages. ;)


Wendy said...

Daddy didn't want to leave early when he and I went to the Packer's game. Of course I told him we were not leaving early, no discussion.

goldenrail said...

Packer games could also be the one exception. It's not like they're very easy to get tickets to.
P.S. Next time the Packers play the Raiders (MR says it happens), you are so coming to visit me!

Jeannie said...

I was trying to figure out what the dots were raising - did they grtow like bread dough? And then I realized you meant 'race'! Typing too fast again, dear. :*

goldenrail said...

oops. Fixed. Thank you Mommy!

MaryRuth said...

Was your dad and Mr. Trizzle born in LA? LA people always leave sporting events early. (I don't)
Sounds like a good time anyways even though you saw lame racing dots (WTV??) and not awesome sausages.
P.S. How are you coping with Mr. Trizzle having a Mac? =)

goldenrail said...

MR: nope, neither born in LA. Mr. Trizzle up here in the Yay and Daddy in good ol' Milwaukee.
What Mac? I know nothing about a Mac. If you mean that ugly white thing he takes to bed with him and calls his 'new white girl,' well... let's just say the battle's not over yet.

MaryRuth said...

Wow...how do you really feel? ;-)