Saturday, May 3, 2008

Opportunities Don't Just Fall from the Sky

Or do they?

This past week, two of my closest friends each had a shot at their dream job fall in their lap. Yes, it's only a shot, a chance, but that's huge. These aren't the type of things for which just anyone can apply.

One of my friends got a call from a casting agent to go to NYC and audition for a touring Broadway show! He's an amazing and extremely talented actor, singer and musician. He's been steadily moving up the theater ranks, getting bigger parts at better theaters, traveling the country for shows in random towns. But, this Broadway thing is so huge. If he gets it, he may actually have to pay income tax for like the first time ever.

My other friend got a random email that one special Department of Justice (DOJ) office in the south is hiring extra Assistant US Attorneys right out of law school. Normally, to be eligible for this position, an attorney has to have several years practice under his belt, preferably as a prosecutor. My friend is an extremely gifted debater and, much to my general frustration, very good at winding people up into verbal knots. He already has experience as a prosecutor, and a public defender and at the DOJ. His resume screams perfect for the job. As I pointed out to him, if they don't interview him for this job, they're stupid, and if they're stupid, he wouldn't want to work with them anyway.

Yea, both of them admit, actually getting the job is a long shot. But just the chance to audition/apply for this type of work is incredible. The best part is both of them already have other work lined up, in their field, that will lead them to more of these types of opportunities in the future. They win either way.

I am so excited for both of them. I wish this could happen to all my friends. These opportunities, per se, fell out of nowhere in the sense neither of my friends went looking for them. But they're a culmination of all the hard work my friends have put into their school, training and other job searches. I can't think of two more deserving people. Best of luck guys!

(Original Post)




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