Quick! Go get a glass. Preferably a pretty one. Got one? Ok, now, add some wine or some other fancy drink and some ice cubes. Yes, you must have ice cubes. Now, ready, set, toast! It’s that time again. Happy Birthday Alfred!
[Alfred on a past birthday with her cousins. She’s the one being held hostage.]
Alfred’s had a wonderful year. At least from my perspective looking back. I hope she’d agree. I mean, just look at all the things she’s done since her last birthday!
- Got her masters degree in Museum and Field Studies
- Became a totem pole
- Moved to Iowa
- Fashioned a laptop bag entirely of snow
- Went to England to present a paper at a conference!
- Ate a lot of frozen custard
- Drove back and forth across most of the country several times
Saw Metallica live
- Played with her sisters
- Joined a Museum Professionals group
- Answered a lot of bar trivia questions
- Listened to the water
- Turned quasi-hippie (yerbamate and yoga! thank goodness she left Boulder)
- Commented on an important (well, I’m gonna say it’s important) Paleontology blog
- Got engaged
- Kept her title of “the pretty one”
Here’s to another great year Alfred! Love, your big sister.
(P.S. you’re going to have to stop having birthdays soon or you’re going to pass me up. I had to stop this year so I won’t pass Mommy up. After all, she’s only 32, she couldn’t pass Grandpa up.)
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