Friday, January 23, 2009


You may have noticed I really haven't had any nice substantive posts lately.  I go through these funks periodically where I hate computers and everything they stand for.  I'm in one, and it sucks, and I'm trying to get out of it.

I think this time it was spawned by a decision I made - not really by the decision itself, but by the aftermath of the decision.  I finally created a Facestalk account.  And I hate it.  There's a few people overseas that I'm trying to get in contact with; have their phone numbers, would like a cheaper method that doesn't require getting up really early or staying awake through the middle of the night.  I know they're on this thing, so I figure I'll try it.

Can't find them.  Heck, I couldn't even find my own sister!  The search feature in the site is horrid and useless.  Apparently, there are over 500 people with the same name as my sister.  To find her, I had to look for my other sister (luckily, less common of a name) and then sort through her friends until I found our sister.  Ridiculous.

Everyone raves about the privacy options and settings and such.  That's baloney.  Sure, they're better than Myspace back when this stuff emerged, but they aren't that great.  I could go on about this, but I'm sure nobody wants to read me vampiring for 15 minutes....

Just wanted to let you all know, I'm here, I'm fine, I'm just not feeling the computer thing lately.  Maybe I'll throw up some pictures of Mr. Trizzle's suit as I get more of it done - the pants are almost finished!


Jeannie said...

What's Facestalk - and is it 'faces talk', or 'face stalk'?? interesting choice of words to put together - entirely different concepts when the s is moved, don't you think?

goldenrail said...

Facestalk (Face stalk) is my name for Facebook. It's a supposed social networking site that's basically for stalking people you used to know - finding out who they're married to, what they're doing every five minutes, where they live, etc. Potential employers go on the site and find reasons not to hire you, some incriminating pictures your friends posted because they thought it was funny, something you said 5 months ago, stuff like that. Supposedly the privacy settings are so nifty, but they aren't. You have no control over your friends' settings and it's such a small world that it's likely someone who wants to get info on you can find someone who knows at least one of your friends. The only thing I like is that I can email people I had lost email addresses for.

Jeannie said...

Okay - I knew about Facebook, but by giving it another name I wasn't sure if it was another social network or the same one...Moral of the story - never let anyone take a picture of you that might be incriminating - guess that could mean no photo ops at all! Geez...

goldenrail said...

Or make photos of you un-searchable by your name, either by staying off of Facestalk, or by untagging yourself in all pictures ;)

MaryRuth said...

this is so weird, you're about the fourth person in a week or so to be musing over Facebook. Maybe it's just me or maybe because I'm old and crotchety and social networking is not in my DNA, but I don't see the point of it--for the most part.
It just seems weird to me to "check out" or contact someone from the long ago past--I mean, if one didn't remain friends over the years with someone from highschool (or wherever), why would one want to contact them now? Or an old lover, or an ex-coworker, neighbor or what have you. I guess the point I'm trying to make is if one didn't have enough of a relationship with someone to sustain over time, what is the point now of re-connecting? Like you mention, it is sort of stalker-y.
This seems to me sort of like going to a highschool reunion. After the initial banter about "married?, divorced?, kids?, job?, location?" the conversation is pretty much over. Sure I wonder  about the "whatever happened to...?" people in my life, but it sure would seem sleazy to check up on them this way.
My esthetician explained that it is a good way for families to keep in can set it to be private and only those you want to can see it. I really want to get something like that set up for my family. So with this in mind, I set up an account. The interface is about as inscrutable as MySpace's (i.e. sux) and I haven't yet had time to fool around with it too much.

goldenrail said...

MR: yeah, I'm pretty much in agreement with you on everything. (What's an esthetician?)
I basically gave into peer pressure. And really, I'm just trying to find a few people that I lost touch with more because of logistics than anything else. Mostly people from overseas.
The old friends that have lost touch aren't nearly as bizarre as the random people you went to school with but never really talked to. I have several of those and a few exes sitting in my "friends request" box because I don't know what to do with them. It's sort of insulting to refuse them, but at the same time, why do they need to know what I'm doing?
I agree that the security isn't good enough, and even with the very little I have up there (it basically says: see blog), I'm nervous about it.

MaryRuth said...

You don't have to friend those random people, or feel bad that you didn't. It is their problem. An esthetician is the lady at the salon that does facials, waxing, etc. I have to tame my brows pretty often =)